The C. M. Journal of Praxonomy and Economics
The C. M. Journal of Praxeonomy and Economics is a peer-reviewed, cross-disciplinary journal dedicated to publishing research that pioneers our understanding of the market economy as a complex, human-driven order. Grounded in the theoretical framework of praxeonomy, the Journal provides an global forum for original scholarship that explores the dynamic, knowledge-generating properties of the entrepreneurial market process and its relationship to the broader institutional and cultural context. The Journal seeks to promote a productive cross-fertilization of ideas among economists, political scientists, legal theorists, historians, philosophers, and other scholars interested in advancing a realistic and multi-faceted science of market phenomena. The Journal welcomes submissions from a wide range of methodological perspectives, including theoretical, empirical, and normative approaches, as well as historically oriented works that situate the praxeonomic tradition within the broader evolution of economic and social thought. Exceptional capstones produced by students in the Menger Academy's diploma program will be considered for publication.
The thematic purview of the Journal encompasses a capacious range of topics pertaining to the study of markets and the social, institutional, and ethical foundations of economic order, including but not limited to:
- The entrepreneurial market process, competition, and economic coordination;
- The informational and coordinative functions of prices, profits, and losses;
- The analysis of contracts, law, and institutions, with a particular view to the emergent norms of resource governance, inter-party cooperation, and institutional evolution;
- Money, banking, capital theory, and business cycles;
- Technological innovation, entrepreneurial experimentation, and the growth of knowledge;
- The epistemic properties of alternative institutional arrangements in coping with pervasive uncertainty;
- Economic methodology, epistemology, and the philosophy of social science, with an emphasis on methodological individualism and the subjectivism of value;
- The history of economic thought, with an emphasis on the marginal revolution;
- Applications of praxeonomic theory to business, entrepreneurship, and finance;
- Normative reflections on the ethical and cultural pre-requisites of a market order.
Article Typology
The journal publishes four principal types of peer-reviewed articles:
- Research Papers: Original theoretical or empirical studies that make a significant contribution to the Praxeonomic analysis of markets and related phenomena.
- Review Essays: Critical surveys of the literature on a particular topic, including systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and synthetic overviews of key debates.
- Symposia and Dialogues: Focused exchanges among scholars on a specific question or theme, including target articles with invited responses.
- Book Reviews: Evaluative essays that assess the significance of recent monographs for Praxeonomic economics and related fields.
Audience and Reach
The C. M. of Market Economics aims to reach a diverse international readership spanning the social sciences, humanities, and professional disciplines. Its target audience includes:
- Academic economists interested in the latest theoretical and empirical research in Praxeonomic economics and related heterodox approaches;
- Scholars in allied fields such as political science, law, sociology, psychology, and philosophy seeking to enrich their understanding of markets and economic institutions;
- Advanced undergraduate and graduate students seeking accessible yet rigorous explorations of key ideas in political economy;
- Intellectually curious policy-makers, business leaders, and educated lay-people interested in free-market perspectives on contemporary issues.
The Journal is published quarterly in print and digital formats and actively disseminated through the Institute's global network of scholars, partner organizations, and online platforms.
All accepted papers are indexed in leading scholarly databases and made freely available on the Journal’s website.
- First Issue: Spring 2025
- Print ISSN: TBA
- Online ISSN: TBA
- Publisher: Carl Menger Institute for Market Economics
Frequency: 2 issues per annum